Kansas City Car Accident Attorney

How The Team At Klenofsky & Steward, Llc Can Help You

Car accidents are frightening no matter what or who caused the incident. While your adrenaline may be high and your thoughts may be scattered, it is important to take the appropriate actions to safeguard your rights. We always fight for what’s fair.

At Klenofsky & Steward, LLC, a Kansas City car accident lawyer can be your advocate with the insurance company, fighting to make sure you receive a fair settlement that covers your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

No Recovery, No Fee — It’s That Simple

Klenofsky & Steward, LLC is not afraid to go to battle with the insurance company working on your car accident claim. We urge you to take immediate action and contact our firm as soon as possible. When you do, we can schedule a free case evaluation at our Kansas City law office or in your home.

When you work with  the Kansas City car accident lawyers at Klenofsky & Steward, LLC, you won’t pay anything upfront or out-of-pocket. In fact, you won’t be asked to pay any attorney’s fees unless we recover compensation on your behalf.

Connecting with a Kansas City car accident attorney from our law firm is quick and easy. Simply call us at 816-608-7949.

We’ve Secured Millions For Accident Victims

For over 40 years, our team in Kansas City has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of victims of motor vehicle accidents throughout Missouri.

Klenofsky & Steward, LLC has secured landmark victories that include:

  • $2,900,000 for the victim of a car accident
  • $2,800,000 for the victim of a car accident
  • $2,443,000 for the victim of a car accident
  • $2,000,000 for the victim of a car accident

What Damages Can I Recover From A Car Accident Claim?

Being injured in any type of vehicle accident can change your life. Although every case is different, victims tend to face a number of setbacks following car wrecks involving their physical, emotional, and financial well-being.

Our experienced legal team can help you pursue financial compensation for your losses, which may include:

  • Economic Damages – Economic damages are measurable financial losses that result directly from a crash. Common examples include lost work wages and future earnings, medical bills and the cost of future medical care, property damage, and other financial expenses.
  • Non-Economic Damages – Victims harmed in crashes can experience considerable pain and suffering and mental anguish, as well as a drastic change in their quality or enjoyment of life. Compensation can be awarded for these types of damages for both victims and the families of victims who are also affected emotionally.
  • Punitive Damages – In some cases, courts may award punitive damages. These damages are designed to further punish wrongdoers for gross acts of negligence and deter others from similar actions. Punitive damages can be awarded in all types of cases, including those involving drunk driving.

Keep in mind that while the personal injury claim process provides victims with the opportunity to recover damages resulting from a crash, it does not guarantee these damages will be awarded. In order to position yourself in the best possible light to recover the compensation you deserve, you should be focused on working with experienced Kansas City car accident lawyers who know what it takes to create an effective claim.

What Should You Do When You Get Rear Ended?

Statistics tell us that when you get into a car crash in Kansas City, it is very likely to be a rear-end collision. However, it is important to realize that being the party that was struck in the rear does not mean that the other party is instantly at fault. The circumstances of a Kansas City wreck will determine who is liable for the damage caused in a crash. This is why it is important to contact a local car accident lawyer with the experience to help. The causes of rear-end collisions can include:

  • Defective automotive parts
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Short stopping by other drivers
  • Reckless lane changes
  • Tailgating

Car Accident FAQs

Have more questions about your accident claim? We’ve provided some information to get you started.

I’ve already been offered a settlement from the insurance company. Why do I need an attorney?

If you’ve filed a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, they may have already approached you with an offer of compensation for your injuries and damages. We advise you not to accept their first or even second offer. An insurance company is a business and like all businesses they are out to make a profit.

They often prey upon a victim’s lack of legal knowledge and dire financial situation after an accident to get them to accept an offer that is much less than they deserve, or in fact, will even cover all their expenses. An attorney who has your best interests at heart can make sure you understand the true value of your claim and help you negotiate with the insurance company to receive maximum compensation.

How soon do I need to contact a lawyer After a Car Accident?

We advise you to reach out to an attorney as soon as possible after your accident. Not only can an attorney help you navigate dealings with the insurance company, but they can also collect evidence to prove your case and ensure you receive the proper medical treatment. Missouri also has a statute of limitations on personal injury lawsuits which is five years from the date the accident took place. If you find yourself needing to file a lawsuit, you must do so before the statute of limitations expires.

Millions Recovered For Our Clients

Zero Fees Unless We Win Your Case

In-Home Consultations Available

Evening & Weekend Meetings


Schedule Your Free Case
Evaluation with Our Team Today


Experience On Your Side

Our injury attorneys are dedicated to your recovery. Call our team today at 816-608-7949 to schedule your free initial consultation. There is no fee unless we win your case!


After a car accident, it’s crucial that you secure legal representation quickly. With each passing day, memories fade, which could jeopardize your ability to secure the compensation you deserve. The longer you wait, the more difficult it could be to secure eyewitnesses who can support your claim in court.

Any number of reckless or negligent actions could have caused your car accident, and this is exactly what we set out to investigate when we take on your case. Once we agree to take on your case, our car accident lawyers in Kansas City will begin dissecting the details of your collision. We will leave no stone unturned.


Real People, Real Stories

Joe and John are excellent attorneys. It was a difficult case at times, But with their professional experience, they pushed through.

His ability is further proven as measured by the successful outcome he was able to achieve for me. Moreover, Mr. Steward has always been accessible and willing to provide ongoing legal advice.

It most definitely was a pleasure working with them.

I am so unbelievably grateful for the hard work he put into my case and for giving my case a chance. He worked countless hours for me and really went the extra mile in getting me more than I could have imagined.

I got everything I needed & much more from my collision accident. Joe did such an amazing job staying right on task. Following up with me to very end.


Don't Wait. Contact Us Now.